Tuesday, July 16, 2013

and now, we NAP! :)

It seems like forever since I've posted anything.  It has been pretty crazy here ...

The trio is healthy, growing and keeping me on my toes but one thing has been seriously lacking - SLEEP!  A few weeks ago I read an article stating a 9m old should sleep, on average, 14 hours per day - WHAT?!  I'm not sure how it happened or when but at some point the trio stopped napping.  They average 7-9 hours of sleep/day.  I've started to fall behind on laundry, cleaning, bottles, cooking and that is with constant help at our house.  Everyday I have help for at least 2 hours, if not more, so why am I always playing catch up?  To add to my exhaustion we have recently announced we are expecting another munchkin in early 2014.  This means we have less than 6 months to establish a better daily routine.

We've avoided CIO for many reasons but I really reached the point where we considered it.  After the trio's first mini vacay we realized the situation was more serious than we thought - awake at 4am, no naps, in bed at 8, awake at 2am to eat and very crabby ... it was rough!  Then we realized that is how it always is.  Were they not eating enough?  Not active enough?  Or was it me?  

This week I've started giving them their mid-morning bottle in their cribs and BAM they're asleep from 9:15-12:30/1!!!!  The nap with more finger foods - macaroni, pasta, fruit pieces - and they are different people!  :)  YAY for sleep and a HUGE thank you to those who encouraged me!!!! <3

xo, Bridget

Sunday, June 30, 2013

9 Month Check In

I just realized I haven't posted in a few weeks ~ we've been growing so quickly I've lost track of time!
October 18, 2012 - 18 days old!

Today we are 9m!  It is crazy to think how fast this time has gone!!!  

Although we're still on the smaller size (14-18lbs) the trio continues to amaze us!  Brief update from a proud momma: 

Here are the 8m-11m  developmental milestones & who is meeting them:
*Lunges forward - Owen, Lucas, Mackenzie
*Jabbers or combines syllables - Owen, Lucas, Mackenzie
*Drags objects towards self - Owen, Lucas, Mackenzie
*Sit without support - Owen, Lucas, Mackenzie
*Starts to experience stranger anxiety - Owen
*Crawls - Lucas, Mackenzie
*Bangs objects together - Owen, Lucas, Mackenzie  
*Says "mama" & "dada"
*Stands while holding onto something - Owen, Lucas, Mackenzie

*Pulls self up - Lucas, Mackenzie
*Cruises - Mackenzie
*Climbs - Mackenzie 
*Uses pincer grasp - Lucas, Mackenzie 
*Plays peek-a-boo - Owen, Lucas, Mackenzie
*Stoops from standing position - Mackenzie
*Puts objects into a container
*Waves hello/goodbye

Little Mack continues to surpass her brothers and keep me on my toes!  I can't wait for a 12m update at the end of summer!
We're 9m!!
xo, Bridget

Sunday, June 9, 2013

$1 Savings

Early on my parents taught me the value of a dollar.  Andy & I hope to pass on this value to our little munchkins so we're starting super early!

How do you save for your kids and still stay on a budget?  
Our parents both paid for our college education - a gift that allowed us to start our adult lives debt free - a gift we hope we can pass to our munchkins, too.  While saving for a house, saving for vacations & paying regular bills all on one income this will take some serious creativity!  
Although the kids do not yet understand the concept of money we are beginning this now - it's only a matter of time before they catch on! :)  

Every time we go somewhere the munchkins can earn $1 - it's within our budget, easy & will eventually teach them responsibility!  Can they make it through a 20 minute Target run without screaming/biting/having to be carried?  If so they get $1 in their piggy banks!  Can they walk to Starbucks nicely?  Do we survive the 1 hour car ride to Sheboygan?  From just these past few weeks it is clear the boys will have WAY more money than Mackenzie!!!!

The long term plan?
Half stays in their piggy banks for them, half goes into their savings accounts.  Once they have a certain amount we will transfer the money to CDs and then transfer to their 529 accounts.  It's not a lot but a start!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

8 Month Check In

This time last year I was just 13 weeks pregnant - it is crazy how quickly the time goes!

Mackenzie at 13 weeks

It is hard to believe these little peanuts are already 8 months old!  Just a few weeks ago Birth-3 came to re-evaluate the group and see how everyone is progressing.  This visit was much different than their initial eval (which was at 3m corrected age).  This time we blew their socks off!!!

I think we've earned some bragging rights!
Since they were preemies the doctors and specialists all follow their corrected age (which is 2m behind) when checking for size, development, etc.  I have never been a fan of the corrected age - I know they'll be small but I want them to be as close as possible to their real age for everything else.  

Birth-3 was evaluating at the 6m age & looking for rolling in both directions, turning towards sounds, putting objects to mouth, transferring toys from hand to hand, recognizes name and plays with feet.  The kids far surpassed these goals!  Everyone is successful in their own areas - Owen is best at sitting without support, Lucas can roll anywhere & Mackenzie is crawling and across the board they are closer to their real than adjusted age!  WHEW, sigh of relief!  
Here are the 7-8m developmental milestones & who is meeting them:
*Lunges forward - Owen, Lucas, Mackenzie
*Jabbers or combines syllables - Lucas
*Drags objects towards self - Owen, Lucas, Mackenzie
*Sit without support - Owen, Mackenzie
*Starts to experience stranger anxiety - Owen
*Crawls - Mackenzie
*Bangs objects together - Mackenzie 

Coming Soon:
*Says "mama" & "dada"
*Stands while holding onto something
*Waves hello/goodbye

I am SO happy with their continued progress!  I will admit, though, it is sad how quickly they are changing!!!  I was not prepared for crawling or teeth (everyone has 2 bottom teeth) this soon!!!  I miss my teeny tiny snugglers (hello baby fever!) 
BIG kids! :) 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Always Ready

Are you prepared for a disaster?!
Winter Bins - Lucas & Owen
Let's be honest, the answer is no.  No matter how much you plan, organize or pack you can never be prepared enough.  What you can do is eliminate some of the stressors.  During my pregnancy I spent A LOT of time (6 months to be exact) laying on the couch watching TV.  Mixed in with crazy dance moms, emotionally unstable wedding dress hunters, teen moms and the ex-amish I found "doomsday preppers."  I don't believe in their extremes but I did learn a few things about what we NEED if disaster strikes!  

2 weeks after the trio came home WI started the winter worry about a "blizzard."  If memory serves me this so called blizzard ended up a dusting but regardless I packed up 2 bins of things we would need.  A week ago I packed up the same bins for summer in case of a power outage or tornado.  

Our plan: If I am home alone with the kids I will pack the bins and kids and drive 8 blocks to my parents, assuming the weather allows travel.  If Andy and I are both home we would have to make the decision to either stay or go.  If we stay our basement has rock n plays and play mats.  Our survival bins have: WATER, baby formula, bottles, baby food, baby tylenol and gas drops, diapers, wipes, baby clothes (extra clothes, socks, things to keep warm), blankets, hats/mittens, snow plants, lighters, candles, baby toys, books, an extra phone charger, extra batteries and a flashlight.  I would say this is a very basic list - we have never accounted for long periods of time or food for Andy and I and after reading this list realize we have no medical supplies but like I said, it's a start.  

Does luck favor the prepared?  Maybe but luck isn't something we control.  Our readiness is.  I hope we never have to use these bins.  It saddens me the continued disasters across the globe, the loss of lives and homes, the fear within us and the unknown.  Being prepared is my way to keeping the fear at bay.  
xo, Bridget

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sign Language


We've been doing sign language with the trio since they were 2m, once they were home from the NICU.  We started by ordering a DVD/book set from SigningTime - the kids LOVED it.  It captured their attention, was easy for Andy and I to learn and taught us fun songs.  

Why Sign Language?
*Increased Language Skills
*Earlier Verbal Skills - your baby will sign back between 8-12 months.  They'll understand the signs much sooner, though.  
*Higher IQ

I decided to start sign language long before the trio was born.  During college and for 2 years after I worked with non-verbal Autistic children.  Many of them used communication devices rather than sign language - both, in my opinion, have their own benefits but signing is something that can come even before you know if your child will have language delays.  It's an excellent tool to eliminate frustration, involve your child in their daily routine and teach basic vocabulary (vocabulary size is an effective predictor of reading comprehension).  

It's very simple to learn and teach basic signs.  You can order the DVDs, books, etc. to help become more confident (watch them on youtube, see below). Pick a few signs that you want to learn/teach - words that you use regularly. Once you've made a list take every opportunity to sign with your kiddos - at mealtime, diaper changes, transitions, bath time, all the time!  Here are some easy signs to start with:
*all done

Here are some signing links that might be helpful if you choose to start using sign language. 

"Diaper Dance" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtU1_1U6VDA&list=PL51530060F52922C1

Singing Time - http://www.signingtime.com/

WeeHands - http://www.weehands.com/

Great Book for Parents - http://www.amazon.com/The-Baby-Signing-Book-Includes/dp/0778804518/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1368663588&sr=8-1-fkmr1&keywords=the+baby+singing+book+sara+bingham

xo, Bridget  (I'm currently taking classes to become a Singing Teacher and couldn't be more excited!!)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Budget Success

Owen grocery shopping! 
Budget Update ... SUCCESS!  
At the beginning of May I made a meal calendar for the entire month and grocery shopped accordingly. So far I've found 2 things I missed (and needed) as well as 5ish things I wanted but didn't include - not bad!  I also have started recalculating recipes to be 1/2 or 1/4 the size so we have MUCH less waste!  When I looked at our financial waste 2 things stood out: groceries and Target.  Target is more about self control whereas the grocery waste is about not eating leftovers, not using food fast enough and buying things that we don't need.    

Math is absolutely not my strong point so altering recipes has been a lot about second guessing and hoping for the best but so far everything has turned out just as wonderful as previously.  There are a few websites, see below, that help with scaling or altering a recipe to make it a little less stressful.  Another thing I've done is plan our recipes to maximize the use of meat - for instance one day we had spaghetti with meatballs and a few days later had meatball subs.  I made all of the meatballs one afternoon but waited to cook the second half until the day of - same fresh taste!  It's the little things that make a difference.  

Now, I said we were on a budget but that doesn't mean I've stopped spoiling my peanuts!!!  SO with the money we're saving on less waste I used to buy the kids a tent.  Now they can be outside with me and I don't have to worry about sunburn!  Ok, ok ... I also bought them chairs! ;)  



Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mother's Day Gifts ~ Sneak Peek

Mother's Day is just around the corner!  
We have had an outstanding amount of help over the past 7 months from our immediate family, extended family, friends and even strangers.  I wanted to honor all of the women who have helped us and remind them how grateful and appreciative we really are of them!  After purchasing over 20 Mother's Day cards I began to search for gifts that would be personal and meaningful.  For Momma G my sisters and I bought her a KitchenAid Mixer, something she has mentioned many times but never splurged for - the trio is anxious to have some of GG's desserts!!!  

Cookie of the Month Club
I have a new love of baking and have been trying many new recipes that are healthier options to traditional snacks.  For my grandma and 2 other special women I am going to make a batch of cookies each month (gluten free!).  Here is a photo of the plate & poem:

Baby Mug
Who doesn't want a mug with the trio on it - haha.  I used an online deal to make a personalized mug and am filling it with treats chosen for that specific individual.  

I have a few other ideas and plans but have not had the chance to put them together yet :)

and... if you're still unsure what to get YOUR mom here are some ideas: 

xo, Bridget

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Challenge: $500

Mackenzie & Owen are skeptical of this!
It seems every time I log onto Facebook I see something about budgeting, saving money or eliminating bills.  We have zero debt and pay all of our bills in full BUT have never had a budget.  I know approximately how much our credit card bill is every month but we haven't taken the time to analyze where our money is going or how to minimize our spending/maximize our savings.  I don't think we over spend - we buy things that we use they just aren't things we necessarily need.  For example, a lot of things we purchase are "deals" on things we won't use for 1+ years - we have a stock pile in our basement of kids toys - a sand/water table, Little People, leggos, a Disney Princess toy house (seriously!) So this month I'm challenging us to NOT buy ANYTHING we aren't going to use in the next 30ish days.  Our goal is $500 or less and we will put the remaining money that we usually spend in our kiddos savings accounts.  I've outlined where our money goes but omitted our regular household bills from our $500 budget - we're starting small.  WISH US LUCK!!! 
What our budget includes:
*diapers (~750 diapers per month)
*formula (~45 cans of Neosure)
*household bills (cable, 2 phones, WE, water)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Garden for Ms. Gardner

When I taught Kindergarten we grew grass in little plastic cups.  That is the extent of my planting experience and knowledge.  

This year I decided to try and grow a few vegetables - tomatoes, green beans, sweet peas, peppers, cucumbers, carrots and a pumpkin or two.

I really had no expectations but figured it was worth a shot.  To my surprise everything has taken (so far)!  At first I planned to just put them in pots - it seemed much easier.  Now, though, I am dedicating a portion of our yard to an actual garden - little fence, plants - the real deal.  It will take some elbow grease but I'm hoping for a good outcome.  

Why now?  There are a few reasons for this new activity - baby food, a hobby & making my own tomato sauce.  I would love to make my baby food not only from fresh produce but from MY produce!  Since I'm not teaching anymore I really have no hobbies that aren't baby related so maybe I'll fall in love with this, you never know.  This has also given me a new avenue for recipes as I've been researching new things I can make with these particular veggies (I'm mostly looking forward to Asian Beef with Sweet Peas).  

For now, it's one day at a time and hoping the seeds yield something tasty! :)

(When I taught I was "Ms. Gardner."  When we were growing grass we had a planting center with seeds, dirt, water and journals for writing down what we grew.  One of my students drew a flower garden and titled it - in her writing - "a grdn fr ms. gardner")

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Feeding At the ZOO

Feeding 3 has always been a challenge!  Do you feed all 3 at the same time and try to balance bottles and burps?  Do you stagger feeding and spend most of your day on meals?  Where do you feed them?  How do you ensure everyone eats enough?  Where do you find time to make organic foods?  How do you get them to take their vitamins?    

I'll be the first to admit I dread "meal time."  It's stressful, time consuming and constantly involves fussiness (waiting isn't one of our best attributes).  When the babies were teeny tiny everyone said this was "the hardest time."  Maybe my memory has faded but I think things were MUCH easier from birth-5 months.  Their routine was fabulous and predictable, everyone slept great, eating was a breeze.  Now, with teething and more mobility, things are more challenging.  Don't misread this and think I'm complaining - I love their new abilities! They're more social, more engaged, laugh and talk - I wouldn't trade our current stage for the previous.  That being said I have had to make many adjustments to our routine to maintain a calm, peaceful and developmentally appropriate environment.  

The first adjustment was adding transitional activities.  We used to go from one thing to another, quickly.  Now, if I want a constant flow I need to have toys, music and silly faces to keep them occupied while they wait for their turn.  

Another change is location.  Since adding solids we have had to relocate our feeding area.  Luckily we have a fabulous table (aka baby prison) that makes spoon feeding easy.  We still use the Boppy pillows for bottle propping - this allows all 3 to eat at the same time.  Now that they are interested in holding their own bottles this has become more challenging but for now it is still a successful arrangement.  

To ensure everyone eats their portion and vitamin I use plates with 3 dividers.  We all eat together, one spoonful at a time.  I add the vitamins right to their food - tricky, I know!  

Right now, at 7 months, we are eating solids 3x/day.  We're eating ~30oz. of formula in addition to the solids which equals ~650-700calories/day - right on track for their "real age."  The trio likes bananas, banana baby yogurt, avocado, green beans and squash.  Occasionally they eat rice cereal mixed with their solids but for the most part eat just the fruit/veggie since they already have rice in their bottles.  Thanks to my Baby Bullet these foods are easier to make than a grilled cheese!!!  

Fingers crossed that in the months to come they start holding their own bottles and meal time will be less stressful!!!  

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sleep Tight!

"Operation Crib" has gone much smoother than we planned for!!  Admittedly there were some rough moments but overall the trio has adapted nicely - they needed a few snuggles and help transitioning out of different positions but seem to like the freedom to sleep in their own space.

I attribute our success to our strict routines - daytime and bedtime.  I've also been making a strong effort to have them take their naps exclusively in their cribs as oppose to letting them fall asleep in their swings and moving them.  A few easy changes to the daytime routine has yielded much better sleep for them and us!!  Here is a quick look at our current schedule:
*8am Bottle
*10am Bottle, Cereal & Banana 
*11am Morning Nap (30-45 minutes)
*1pm Bottle, Cereal & Veggie (squash, green beans or avocado) 
*1:30 Afternoon Nap (2 hours)
*4pm Bottle
*6:30pm Bottle, Cereal & Veggie (different than the morning)
*8:30 Bedtime Routine - Bath with lotion massage, Bottle, Swing

If nothing else I am grateful to have my bed back - to be able to sleep in any position I want! :) 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The 3 C's ~ Week 3

Cooking:  We're not going completely gluten free but I have been trying to eliminate as many unhealthy things as possible from our diet.  I thought I would try this gluten free recipe with no expectations.

These were surprisingly VERY good!  They require very few ingredients and made the whole house smell like spring! :)

link: http://dashingdish.com/recipe/strawberry-shortcake-muffins/

Crafting: I wanted to give my cousin something cute and creative as a going away gift, from the trio.  I found many variations of this poem on Pinterest and made a few changes.  

link: http://media-cache-ak1.pinimg.com/originals/a5/51/83/a55183aa2afda9e68c9619801b542daf.jpg

Cleaning: I feel like I have "to do" lists everywhere - on scraps of paper, in my iPhone, on post-it notes.  This week I decided to reduce the lists and make one list that Andy and I could both always see (and find!) so we hung it on the fridge.  It has 3 columns - to do, in progress & complete.  I've written all of our monthly tasks on small post-it notes (pay bills, purchase formula, grocery list, etc) and as they are finished they can be moved to complete and then tossed.  So far, this week, we have eliminated more things than usual.  I think this will be most beneficial for when (assuming ever) we have an extra 5 minutes and want to eliminate a task.  

Friday, April 12, 2013

Operation Crib

Some days you feel like a great parent - everything goes smoothly.  
Other days you feel like an absolute failure - nothing works, they're fussy, they don't sleep and you start to wonder what you're doing wrong.  

On a lot of levels I feel like a great parent.  The trio has gained weight appropriately, continues to meet developmental milestones, is eating foods - all the things the pediatrician looks for.  I feel very confident when hours go by with no tears and I get to see smiles, hear coos and play.  Then something hits you like a ton of bricks.

This week we realized our time with swings, rock n plays and our now family bed was running out - they are getting so big!  We decided it was time to transition to the crib for bedtime.  Let me say, these last nights of sleep have left me red eyed and irritable! 

They're overtired, fussy, getting teeth and I feel overwhelmed and defeated.  
Should I give them "tough love" and let them work it out?  Should I rub their backs and help sooth them?  Should we separate their cribs into different rooms?  Are they not ready?!  Should we let them stay in the swings and in our bed until they are absolutely too big?  So many questions and I don't know what the "right answer" is or if there is a different answer for each baby.  

For now I'm going to enjoy my large McDonalds coke and hope that tonight is better - I'm going to stay strong and hope that their behavior will answer my questions.  Even though 4 nights has seemed like an eternity I am going to continue operation crib and check back next Friday!  

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Avocados & Nanas

Andy & I watched the signs for a few weeks before we took the plunge -- we were warned once you start you can never go back but here we are ... eating REAL FOOD!  In February we started practicing with spoons - Owen and Mackenzie were already eating rice, mixed into their formula, so we started having taste parties to see how they felt about the rice on a spoon.  Turns out they were fascinated and continued to show signs of wanting more: opening their mouth for another spoonful, screaming for more, eating less from their bottles.  Along with these obvious signs they also stopped sleeping through the night, a good indicator of a growth spurt and their desire for a change!  

We started with rice cereal then added bananas.  This week we tried avocados - very messy but they couldn't get enough! This week we also had banana puree, tried holding and tasting whole bananas and having bananas in food nets.    

Making our own food has proven very simple - fast, cheap and free of preservatives!  I use the Baby Bullet - I love it!   

*Bananas: 2 bananas, 1/4c water, 10 sec.

*Avocados: 1 avocado, 1/4c water, 10 sec.

For now we're eating 1x/day for sure and sometimes 2x/day, depending on time and who can help!!  

Coming Soon: Yellow Squash! :)
Auntie Hillary feeding us Avocados! 
xo, Bridget

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The 3 C's ~ Week 2

I found a ton of new things I wanted to try this week.  
Along with the 3 C's I also started a new book which so far I am in love with (details to follow, another day).  

Cleaning: When I came across the April Cleaning Challenge I thought it would be an easy way to stay on top of our household chores.  I'll admit I am not following this perfectly - the glory of the checklist (print and hang on fridge) is that it doesn't have to be done in order.  Along with this checklist I am also making my own cleaning supplies - check next week to see how those work ... I'm skeptical but open to try it.  

link: http://moneysavingmom.com/2013/03/join-us-for-the-30-day-house-cleaning-challenge-in-april.html

Cooking: I was searching for alternatives to frozen french fries, raw veggies and salad.  I came across this link and thought it sounded easy and healthy ... IT STINKS.  Something about it is wrong - it needs a drizzle of olive oil or something to soften up the veggies.

link: http://pinterest.com/pin/475059460663576856/

Crafting: Who doesn't know somebody having a rough day?  Right now I know more than a few people who need some sunshine sent their way.  There are SO many different ways you could do this - box, gift bag, water bottle, coffee mug and endless things you could put inside.  Check out the link for more ideas.  I put sunscreen, lemonade, kleenex in a yellow package, juicy fruit, chapstick and a yellow air freshener. 

link (you can print the sunshine cards right from the link!): http://happymoneysaver.com/send-a-box-of-sunshine-to-brighten-someones-day/

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Day in Our Life

"How do you do it?"
Well ... you just do.  There isn't another option.  
I feel a major part of my sanity is that I am organized - everything is planned well in advanced, all our activities (eating, bathroom, temperatures, etc) are documented and our routine is followed.  So here is a little sample of 
"how we do it." 

7:00 - Wake up & Eat (this is getting later each day and now is closer to 8/8:30)

7:30 - Independent Play Time - playing on different mats, focusing on fine motor skills

8:00 - Play Time with Mommy - we focus on communication, holding/ shaking/ transferring toys, tummy time

8:30-10 - Morning Nap!  Mom does dishes, puts in laundry, makes formula and cereal, picks up & eats breakfast

10 - Wake up & Eat - have vitamin, eat cereal then have tummy time while mommy reads a book, listen to music, play with tummy toys

11 - Play Time with Mommy - baby sign language, practice rolling over, scooting 

12  - Light Nap in Swing.  Mom changes laundry, folds laundry, washes more dishes, picks up baby toys, puts dinner in crock pop or preps food to cook later, eats lunch 

1 - Wake up & Eat.  Eat bananas - yummy!

1:30 - Rotations - 1:1 time with mom, Johnny Jumper, Piano Mat, tummy time

3  - Light Nap in Swing.  Mom takes a shower and changes laundry, again!

4  - Wake up & Eat  

4-7 - Play time with Daddy!  Daddy reads, does baby sign language, sings ...  Finish laundry, finish cleaning, finish dinner

7  - Eat 

7:30 - Quiet Time, tummy time

8:30 - Bath Time

9 - Eat then GO TO BED!  Mommy and Daddy do dishes, make bottles for the next day and emergency night feeds, clean and then watch TV

*These "light naps" have really ceased even though I continue to fantasize about their existence.  In place of them, when one naps or none nap we do tummy time, listen to Disney Pandora, sit in our recliners in the kitchen and watch mom cook, etc.  

*I try to follow this schedule; however, in times of melt down or just laziness the laundry is the first thing to be ignored - something to work on so we don't end up with 6+ baskets of folded laundry just sitting in the hallway!

*I have help (my mom, my grandma, my aunts) that come 1x/day to help - this allows me to get more things done especially when "nap time" does not happen!  

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The 3 C's ~ Week 1

My Pinterest is overflowing with SO many good ideas.  I've decided to start weeding through them to find out what woks, what tastes good, what's simple & what ... well, what isn't what it says it is.  My goal is to try 3 things each week -- want to keep me motivated?  Share some of your ideas.  I'll try them & let you know if they work.  

Cleaning:  I've come across endless suggestions for making your own cleaning supplies.  I've never tried it and really doubted any of them actually work.  I recently borrowed some of my mom's bread pans and noticed they weren't exactly sparkling so I thought I'd try out a recipe for making your pans look "brand new."  

I wouldn't say they look brand new but it is definitely an improvement.  Be warned this takes A LOT of elbow grease!  

link: http://theliberalmormonmom.blogspot.com/2012/04/diy-cleaning-your-baking-sheets.html

Cooking: I'm REALLY trying to make healthy meals that have eliminated most GM ingredients.  Spur of the moment I decided to make cornbread.  I found a recipe that called for corn rather than cornmeal.  There are a few ways to make this recipe healthier: use fresh corn, use 100% whole grain flour - you could alter it in many different ways to make it your own.

link: http://gmomj.wordpress.com/2011/03/05/delicious-corn-bread-real-corn-no-cornmeal/

Crafting: I have more plastic bags than I know what to do with.  We've made the switch to re-useable bags but my grandma gives me all of her old bags (which we use for dirty diapers).  To save space and have easy access I made this:

It's easy and works great (took less than 10 minutes)!  The link said to use 12 bags - I used closer to 50.  
link: http://tatertotsandjello.com/2011/07/summer-social-guest-project-make_21.html

xo, Bridget