I like to think each of my babies gets an equal amount of love, attention and opportunities to grow. During 1:1 time I think they are perfect - the smartest of all but when they are together their strengths and areas of needed growth are more apparent.

They are also meeting 4-6m goals: can grasp toys, imitates sounds, rolls from tummy to back, recognizes own name.
It is very reassuring that even though they were significantly premature they are still meeting developmental goals but I wonder - what else can I be doing? What toys would help them develop each skills? How can I divide my time equally and/or fairly so each babies' needs are met?
Each day their personalities and individuality becomes more apparent. Although they are all meeting goals each one is stronger in a different area. Owen is the best eater. He has the stronger muscles so he can spend the most time on his tummy and is able to sit more independently. Lucas is the most vocal. He is just starting to army crawl and can imitate many sounds. Mackenzie has the best fine motor skills and plays with toys for their intended purpose - she spins them, hits them so they light up and shakes them.
It is truly amazing to see the growth they have each week and I am anxious to for the next big milestones - sitting up and crawling!!! I'm anxious to hear what your kiddos are doing!
xo, Bridget
My twins are smiling now and "talking" back to us! They are also holding their little heads up very well... they are getting so strong! I love seeing new things from them every day!!!! They change so fast.
ReplyDeleteMine are 5 months 5 days. They coo, smile, and giggle a lot. They recognize me and hubby and their nanny, 2 out of 3 roll occasionally from tummy to back but my girl doesn't. They reach for toys but don't have much hand control yet. They hold their bodies real well on their legs, they can hold their heads. They seem to always be trying to get up and push their bodies with their elbows when seated. They do mini push ups, they don't recognize their names but are very interested in my voice even from another room. They sleep 12 hours with 1 short 5 minutes feed during the night. That is pretty much it. Their weights are 7.25 kgs, 6.4 kgs for the boys and my baby girl is 6 kgs.