This year I decided to try and grow a few vegetables - tomatoes, green beans, sweet peas, peppers, cucumbers, carrots and a pumpkin or two.

I really had no expectations but figured it was worth a shot. To my surprise everything has taken (so far)! At first I planned to just put them in pots - it seemed much easier. Now, though, I am dedicating a portion of our yard to an actual garden - little fence, plants - the real deal. It will take some elbow grease but I'm hoping for a good outcome.
Why now? There are a few reasons for this new activity - baby food, a hobby & making my own tomato sauce. I would love to make my baby food not only from fresh produce but from MY produce! Since I'm not teaching anymore I really have no hobbies that aren't baby related so maybe I'll fall in love with this, you never know. This has also given me a new avenue for recipes as I've been researching new things I can make with these particular veggies (I'm mostly looking forward to Asian Beef with Sweet Peas).

For now, it's one day at a time and hoping the seeds yield something tasty! :)
(When I taught I was "Ms. Gardner." When we were growing grass we had a planting center with seeds, dirt, water and journals for writing down what we grew. One of my students drew a flower garden and titled it - in her writing - "a grdn fr ms. gardner")