The trio is healthy, growing and keeping me on my toes but one thing has been seriously lacking - SLEEP! A few weeks ago I read an article stating a 9m old should sleep, on average, 14 hours per day - WHAT?! I'm not sure how it happened or when but at some point the trio stopped napping. They average 7-9 hours of sleep/day. I've started to fall behind on laundry, cleaning, bottles, cooking and that is with constant help at our house. Everyday I have help for at least 2 hours, if not more, so why am I always playing catch up? To add to my exhaustion we have recently announced we are expecting another munchkin in early 2014. This means we have less than 6 months to establish a better daily routine.
We've avoided CIO for many reasons but I really reached the point where we considered it. After the trio's first mini vacay we realized the situation was more serious than we thought - awake at 4am, no naps, in bed at 8, awake at 2am to eat and very crabby ... it was rough! Then we realized that is how it always is. Were they not eating enough? Not active enough? Or was it me?
This week I've started giving them their mid-morning bottle in their cribs and BAM they're asleep from 9:15-12:30/1!!!! The nap with more finger foods - macaroni, pasta, fruit pieces - and they are different people! :) YAY for sleep and a HUGE thank you to those who encouraged me!!!! <3
xo, Bridget